Weekly Report for Week of 2/23/09
For the past two weeks we have been learning about one of earth's most explosive features: volcanoes. Miss M chose the topic, and we have been running with it. Here's a peek into our homeschool and some of the things we've done the past 2 weeks:
Volcanoes Unit
- Read Prentice Hall's "Inside Earth" Volcano Chapter, sections 1 & 2
- Completed the guided reading booklet on the chapter sections
- Watched 2 Volcano videos
- Spent 2 mornings exploring internet sites on volcanoes from the National Science Teacher's website
- Wrote 2 mini-reports using IEW format
- Listened to the "Volcano" song from Lyrical Earth Science
- Created a crossword puzzle with unit vocabulary words
- Built a volcano and modeled a volcanic eruption
- Completed 2 experiments from "Inside Earth"
- Had a scavenger hunt for the unit vocabulary words. (SHHHhhh! I was really using this as an assessment, but Miss M just thought it was a game. Mom's are tricky that way. )