Weekly Update
Our year is flying by! Here is a peek into our homeschool and what we are currently studying. I uploaded a few pictures our week.
Memory Work
Southern African Countries and Capitals
Romans 12
Acts (Studying God's Word series)
Social Studies
Kenya - Culture and Geography (Enchantment of the World series)
Readings from "World Book" on Africa
finishing up making Africa thematic maps using ideas from Trail Guide to World Geography
IMAX Film: "Kilamanjaro"
History Chanel Film: "The Sahara"
Physics: Understanding and Measuring Matter (CyberEd Physical Science)
Drawing with Angles, Making Line Graphs, Square Roots (CLE Mathematics)
Read an African proverb each day and explained the meaning.
Language Arts
Scrapbook page on "Niger"
Italic Cursive Handwriting (copied a selection from Enchantment of the World: Niger)
Literature: Winnie: The Horse Gentler # 3
Typing software - current speed is 15 wpm
Vocabulary book: Swahili/English translation of "Jambo!" song of Kenya
Read about and made a "Galimoto Wire Toy." These wheeled toys made out of simple wire are common throughout Africa.
Jambo! from Kenya
Family Read Aloud: Plain Girl
Family Movie: 'Hotel Rwanda'
WE also took a field trip with our co-op to a local amusement park, but it was more fun than educational. I suppose I could count it as a cardio workout, with all the running around and carrying on the kids did. : )
Have a great week in the Lord!

What a wonderful weekly report. I love the pictures of your FT.
I haven't done a WR is a couple weeks. I need to get on that, don't I. :o)
Looks like you guys had a great week. Have a happy Easter!! God Bless!
Stacy :-)
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