Week 3
This is my first weekly report!!! I am so excited about this idea and love seeing what the rest of you are doing!
We were on vacation last week and we also had a 4 day week because of the holiday Monday - so this week seemed a bit lackluster to me. Maybe it was a bit of post-vacation 'letdown.' Here is what we DID get done.
Memory Folder - Psalm 91, "Sea Shell" by Amy Lowell
Sea Shell by Amy Lowell
Sea Shell, Sea Shell,
Sing me a song, O Please!
A song of ships, and sailor men,
And parrots, and tropical trees,
Of islands lost in the Spanish Main
Which no man ever may find again,
Of fishes and corals under the waves,
And seahorses stabled in great green caves.
Sea Shell, Sea Shell,
Sing of the things you know so well.
From our Book Baskets - Torches of Joy by John Dekker, The Sea and It's Marvels (World Book), Australia (Enchantment of the World series), and The Book of Dragons by E. Nesbit

Current Read-Aloud - Eight Cousins by Louisa May Alcott - This is an absolute delight and a must-read for homeschool families!
Geography - We used the 17" x 22" full-color topographic map (which folds up and fits right in our geography folder!), blackline map to color, "center" geography cards, and directions which are all included in Evan-Moor's Australia workbook. I love, love, love Evan-Moor products! They are so fun and easy to use. After doing the bodies of water map, Miss M chose 4 geography question cards, looked up the answers, and then made a small question-and-answer flip up book. The cover (still drying) is inspired by Australia's Aboriginal artwork.
Math - We finally began math this week. I have to say that Christian Light Math is a real winner at our house! I actually saw something in the workbook that a math-hater like me found....well.... INTERESTING!!! Can I share? It was a lesson on checking long multiplication problems using digit sums. I thought this was a pretty cool trick. Maybe I am just dense, but I don't ever remember learning digit sums in school. See lesson below.
Science - Not much here. We did informal reading using library basket full of books on oceans, coral reefs and volcanoes. Miss M did a copywork page with dolphin illustrations.

Music - This week we continued our composer study of Franz Schubert. For the first time, we listened to the "Classical Music for Kids" online show. What a treasure! "Take Me to Your Lieder" was a BIG hit with Miss M. She loved taking the online quizzes and insisted on doing all of them.

Copywork/Dictation - Copied a few sentences from a science-related library book and dressed it up with some illustrations from the book. See below - sorry for the glare from the page protector. : ) I love how decorative paper and a few pictures dress things up! We also did copywork/dictaion from one SL 5 Languge Arts Activity Sheet using text from "Call It Courage."

Productive Choice Time - Miss M spent several afternoons making various homemade puppets. On her own, she rigged up a puppet theater using two chairs, a broom stick, and a beach towel so she could give proper performances! Quite a resourceful girl. I have to say, the productions were brilliant! : ) One night, she acted out Eight Cousins with her puppets as Iron Chef was reading the story. Now, that was hilarious!
Thanks so much for stopping by! Somehow my fonts got messed up and I have been unable to fix or change the font sizes. Oh well - hope you don't mind. If you have any clue how to fix it, I'd appreciate it if you let me know!
And, how was your week?
We were on vacation last week and we also had a 4 day week because of the holiday Monday - so this week seemed a bit lackluster to me. Maybe it was a bit of post-vacation 'letdown.' Here is what we DID get done.
Memory Folder - Psalm 91, "Sea Shell" by Amy Lowell
Sea Shell by Amy Lowell
Sea Shell, Sea Shell,
Sing me a song, O Please!
A song of ships, and sailor men,
And parrots, and tropical trees,
Of islands lost in the Spanish Main
Which no man ever may find again,
Of fishes and corals under the waves,
And seahorses stabled in great green caves.
Sea Shell, Sea Shell,
Sing of the things you know so well.
From our Book Baskets - Torches of Joy by John Dekker, The Sea and It's Marvels (World Book), Australia (Enchantment of the World series), and The Book of Dragons by E. Nesbit
Current Read-Aloud - Eight Cousins by Louisa May Alcott - This is an absolute delight and a must-read for homeschool families!
Geography - We used the 17" x 22" full-color topographic map (which folds up and fits right in our geography folder!), blackline map to color, "center" geography cards, and directions which are all included in Evan-Moor's Australia workbook. I love, love, love Evan-Moor products! They are so fun and easy to use. After doing the bodies of water map, Miss M chose 4 geography question cards, looked up the answers, and then made a small question-and-answer flip up book. The cover (still drying) is inspired by Australia's Aboriginal artwork.
Math - We finally began math this week. I have to say that Christian Light Math is a real winner at our house! I actually saw something in the workbook that a math-hater like me found....well.... INTERESTING!!! Can I share? It was a lesson on checking long multiplication problems using digit sums. I thought this was a pretty cool trick. Maybe I am just dense, but I don't ever remember learning digit sums in school. See lesson below.
Science - Not much here. We did informal reading using library basket full of books on oceans, coral reefs and volcanoes. Miss M did a copywork page with dolphin illustrations.
Music - This week we continued our composer study of Franz Schubert. For the first time, we listened to the "Classical Music for Kids" online show. What a treasure! "Take Me to Your Lieder" was a BIG hit with Miss M. She loved taking the online quizzes and insisted on doing all of them.
Copywork/Dictation - Copied a few sentences from a science-related library book and dressed it up with some illustrations from the book. See below - sorry for the glare from the page protector. : ) I love how decorative paper and a few pictures dress things up! We also did copywork/dictaion from one SL 5 Languge Arts Activity Sheet using text from "Call It Courage."
Productive Choice Time - Miss M spent several afternoons making various homemade puppets. On her own, she rigged up a puppet theater using two chairs, a broom stick, and a beach towel so she could give proper performances! Quite a resourceful girl. I have to say, the productions were brilliant! : ) One night, she acted out Eight Cousins with her puppets as Iron Chef was reading the story. Now, that was hilarious!
Thanks so much for stopping by! Somehow my fonts got messed up and I have been unable to fix or change the font sizes. Oh well - hope you don't mind. If you have any clue how to fix it, I'd appreciate it if you let me know!
And, how was your week?
Looks like you had a wonderful full week! Even if it was only 4 days. :o)
Have a great weekend!
Looks like a great week and I love how you did the slide shows.
What a wonderful week! I loved the puppet show and Miss M's notebook pages. She does wonderful work. She should be proud. :)
I want to thank you for sharing the Classics for Kids web-site. I looked through the past shows and found Rimsky-Korsakov, our composer for this term. What a wonderful resource!
Okay, I'm still trying to figure out the digit sums. Where did they get 8x8? I understand 1 + 3+4=8 and then just the digit in the ones place is multiplied?
I'm going to have to play with that. I've never heard of it either. I love the puppet show, I'll show the kids in the morning.
:) Great report!
Hi Jessica,
In this case, the digit sums are being used to see if your multiplication is correct. So, the factors' digit sums are multiplied, and then checked against the digit sum of the product to see if your answer is correct without using a calculator.
Try following the steps with some problems. It's *kinda* fun. Not buying new shoes fun, but...
: )
I like that she made her own puppet theater! Also the Classics for kids site is one that we should also make more use of!
Looks like upi had a good week!
oops, that's what I get for nursing while at the keyboard! I meant "Looks like You had a good week!" Sorry about that!
Hi Miss M,
The slide shows are so cool of your school week. The puppet was awesome.
Love you, Gramma Jo
What a fabulous week miss M! I love your puppets and the flip book!
Well done! Hope you had a wonderful weekend! Now on to week 4 tomorrow!
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