I am so excited! My best girlfriend and I decided to start a KEEPERS At Home Club with our girls this semester. Meeting twice a month for two and a half hours, we are going go try to learn 2 badges/skills a month and memorize Romans chapter 12 as a Club. On their own or with family, the girls will read a specific portion of Scripture and earn the Bible Reading skill/badge. The first four skill badges we will learn as a group are: weaving, scrapbooking, paper quilling and cake decorating. During Devotions time, are going to focus on a character trait and look up verses on that trait, starting with the character trait "Meekness." Moms will also be reading and discussing a chapter from Beautiful Girlhood with the girls.

Mom/daughter teams are going to take turns hosting, teaching skills for badges, and leading opening devotions. Each week, the hosting girl will also prepare lunch for everyone, and then the girls will clean up themselves. What a great way for the girls to use and develop their cooking and hospitality skills while earning their Cooking badge at the same time. I can't wait for our first meeting! I like the idea that the skills learned are practical and that an obedient life of service to God and others is the focus.
If you've ever thought of starting a Girl Scouts club, consider a KEEPERS club instead! If you have a KEEPERS handbook sitting on your shelf unused, why not call up a girlfriend and start your own KEEPERS Club! All you really need is a handbook, and you can get started with this wonderful program! See my KEEPERS right sidebar for a few helpful links.
Please do not be intimidated. I am certainly not the most skilled, domestic Mom on the planet, so if *I* can do it, so can you! (I have no idea how to decorate cakes, but there is always a Michael's class and a stack of library books!) We are all learning and growing together, and my friend has many skills that I don't have and (hopefully) vice-versa. Get with another Mom and just get started. I believe that God will bless our efforts, however imperfect. My goals are to be more submitted to God, to learn new skills with my daughter that will serve others , and to devote myself more to Christian fellowship and breaking of bread. I am bubbling over with excitement like an over-filled glass of champagne!
I'll post how our first meeting goes.