Nutrition and Digestive System Mini-Unit
I planned this one-week unit for my 5th
grader around United Streaming videos and books I have sitting on my shelf. We plan to use it this week!
□ BJU Science 4 - “Digestion” pp 91-106
□ Blood and Guts - “Digestion” pp 75-82
□ How It Works: The Human Body by Kate Barnes pp 20-21
□ Library or other books of choice on the digestive system and nutrition – for more ideas see the Human Body book list at Paula's Archives
□ “Human Body Systems: The Digestive System” by United Learning. 1997.
□ Print out Blackline Masters and have child complete worksheets
□ Take Video Quiz
□ “Managing Your Health: The Digestive System” by Discovery School. 2004.
□ See Teacher's Guide
□ Nutrition and Exercise: Teen Wellness (A Sunburst Tale). 1996
□ Take Video Quiz
□ “Nutrition and Digestive Health: Eating for Your Future” by Discovery School. 2005.
□ Take Video Quiz
Copywork/Dictation Exercise
□ Use sentences or paragraphs from Blood and Guts - “Digestion” chapter
□ Proverbs 23: 20-21
□ Create a patient brochure about one digestive problem. The brochure, similar to one they might see in a doctor’s office, should describe the problem, its causes, symptoms, and possible treatments. Each brochure should include age-appropriate illustrations or diagrams to help explain the digestive problem.
The following Web sites will help students in their research:
Managing Your Health: The Digestive System: Teacher’s Guide 3 • GERD
KidsHealth: Lactose Intolerance
KidsHealth: Ulcers
Activity Ideas
□ Starch and Spit Test – Blood and Guts p 78
□ Using directions in the BJU Science 4 Manual or on the internet, make a Digestive System Model.
□ Using the diagram on p 77 ot Blood and Guts as a guide, draw a diagram of the digestive system.
□ Write a definition for each of the following terms: digestion, calorie, nutrients, esophagus, saliva, liver, pancreas, enzymes, peristalsis, bolus, chyme, villi
□ What you eat and how much you eat are important for maintaining good health. Use the food pyramid to categorize and record all the foods you eat for three days. How healthy is your diet?
□ Learn the latest dietary recommendations from USDA, which can be found at
□ Write a contract for eating habits that need to be changed. Be specific. Don't take on more than you can resonable achieve.
□ Look at recipes either online or in magazines and cookbooks and to find at least three recipes—one for dinner, as well as a recipe for a side dish and a dessert. The recipes must be appealing and have healthy ingredients. Your child may find the following Web sites a good place to start.
□ Prepare a fresh fruit smoothie and give it an exotic name. What vitamins and other nutrients are contained in your smoothie?
Resources used for planning: United Streaming Teacher's Guides, KONOS Vol 1 “Stewardship,” BJU 4 Teacher's Manual.